About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog. I am a writer and spiritual explorer who has studied and practiced techniques of spiritual growth, release and change for the last thirty years -- and that's just the years in which I realized that that is what I was doing! Do I now fully realize what I'm doing? I hope not, for "full realization" sometimes means reducing things to what we think we understand. Perhaps it would be appropriate to say that that which is presumably understood is like the train on which we are riding, while the scenery outside the windows is the world that we come here to experience, and it is that which is not understood. We leave that which is comfortable and move toward that which is unknown, for the predictability of the known is ultimately more unbearable than the lurking fear which brims from that which is mysterious. All life involves change, differentiation, and passage of one sort or another. It is my pleasure and challenge to apply the tools of change to myself, and to share with others what may work for them. Eventually the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The dream of 10-10-10

I awoke this morning with a beautiful dream, quite exceptional in its feeling. I even drifted back into the dream and it continued for a time.

I had just moved into a new place to live. One major feature of this new residence was a large pond. The residents, including myself, enjoyed swimming in it, and the way the place was constructed seemed to minimize boundaries between features. One could walk back and forth between living areas and the pool – which seemed more like a natural pond – with ease.

In fact the term “ease” seemed to be the hallmark of the entire experience. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the place was the lack of tension or worry about anything. Things just happened naturally. I kept wondering when some kind of tension or conflict, even indirectly expressed, would make itself known, yet none did.

There were living quarters and eating facilities, and I walked back and forth, past and through them, and in and out of the pool with little concern for proprieties or arrangements of any kind.

I have become aware that I was importing certain worries and concerns to the situation, yet even these seemed to evaporate like the pond water from my skin. No problem that I allowed to appear in my mind seemed to “stick” in this place – the energy or nature of the place seemed to simply refuse to allow it to develop. Even the word “refuse” is a little too strong. Things just stayed at a pure level.

Among concerns which I tried to start in my mind was one about nudity. None of us seemed to wear any clothes when swimming, nor did we worry about covering up when leaving the water. In spite of this, I could detect no feelings of shame or embarrassment, nor any feelings of sexual arousal, unless I chose to generate them, and as soon as I stopped doing so, they disappeared. I was occasionally concerned that the pond might harbor bacteria or other parasites. I have the feeling that this was my own fear, and a somewhat ingrained one, as it popped up again and again.

On another occasion, (and as this was dreamtime, “occasions” themselves flowed into each other), I was walking through a wide passageway past a large restaurant/cafeteria facility, receiving friendly greetings from people at nearby tables, while carrying a beaker and a glass of red wine back to my quarters. My mind seemed to go wild about this, with thoughts about why I would be drinking alcohol in this “perfect” place, and also whether it was proper or allowed for me to carry it through the passageways, and what the people greeting me would think of it. In spite of these worries, I noticed no negative reaction of any kind from others. A blond haired woman, who seemed “older” in some sense, waved and said hello to me from a table as I passed by.

At what seemed to be the beginning of this dream, I was swimming in the pool, and seemed to be “with” (even this term is somewhat restrictive with respect to the feelings in this place) a woman and her two teenage daughters. I wondered at one point what the woman's name was, and “Ellen” seemed to come up. I'm not sure if people even “had” names there, or just called each other what they felt inclined to call them. I had some thoughts about romance with Ellen, and I can't say that she either accepted or rejected these thoughts. I had some sexual thoughts about Ellen, but I can't say that these thoughts were anywhere near as intense as such thoughts normally are. I didn't experience either intense desire or the fear of losing or failing to acquire the object of any desire. My thought now is that Ellen might have been receptive to romantic or sexual advances, but that the intensity of our physcial world wouldn't have characterized the interaction in this realm.

In reflecting on this experience, it seems that those who are addicted to intensity might find this place boring. There was nothing approaching drama in this place. There was no struggle, as I've mentioned before, between desire and frustration. The clear, tight boundaries which we experience in this world were not there, yet there was still definition, as individuality still existed. Reality had not dissolved into a bowl of soup, but was definitely lacking in fear, worry and mentally generated issues. To those who would find this unexciting, I would respond that my feeling there was one of joy, definitely not of boredom. The lack of clear boundaries (I never did determine where my living quarters were, or if I simply lived where ever I wanted to) presented no problem. It seemed that the energy we expend on creating these boundaries was now being applied to enjoyment.

This was the dream that I experienced on this momentous day, 10-10-10. To me it means, in the very least, that we can benefit from realizing that our worries on this earth are largely generated by the lower vibratory illusion we allow to reside in our minds.

Blessings to all.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Oh, the fiery notch!

As I gaze toward the mountain wall

How she blazes!

How she fills the rock!

Her streams of fire like living light

Come reaching for me

How red you are!

How filled with life and love

How could anyone say you are far away

As you blaze here in my heart and eyes

Some may call your light gentle

But I know you!

You rage within me

Oh love me, love me now

And take away the cold

How could you not?

Written during a cloudy winter, 1994 – 95
Skagit Valley, Washington State
copyright 1995 Scott Amun

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A poem I wrote looking at the Flatiron Mountains on a sunny morning in 1992.

Rose Fire

Mystical threnody,
Morning integrity,
Ripples of ecstasy,
Sun on the meadow.

Windows on rhapsodies,
Hearts sing in harmony,
Time is complete to me,
Warmth of the sun.

Bending his face to me,
Life makes a fool of me,
Thoughtless I run to see
Sunlight in water.

Over the trees I see
His fiery majesty
Lighting the mountainside
Rose-fire protector.

February 21, 1992
Boulder, Colorado

Copyright 1992 Scott Amun

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Historical Jesus through Scott Amun

September 28, 2008

This writing appears in the January, 2009 issue of Sedona Journal of Emergence.

Preface by the channel: my choice to bring through the historical Jesus seems, as I consider it from this point in time, understandable, perhaps even inevitable, considering the encounters I have had with this presence. More than thirty years ago, I experienced an intense, prolonged ecstasy which began following a heartfelt, tearful request for help which I made to Jesus. It was not my habit to make such requests, but the experience which followed this prayer has always remained with me. It was simple, yet profound: for what seemed to be an hour, or maybe two, I was removed from all of the self criticism, doubt and worry which was up until that moment obsessing my thoughts and emotions. For the duration of this period, I felt completely loved and completely happy to be exactly who I was, without concern for 'self improvement' or self criticism. Just to know that there was such love and acceptance there to be felt was transforming in its own right.

Around the year 2000, I had a reading from the entity Ramtha, who informed me that I had watched Jesus be placed on the cross. I was not pleased to hear this, even though I had only positive feelings towards Jesus. The idea of having a lifetime at that time and place was not pleasant to me. Ramtha went on to say, most significantly, that I had made a judgment that Jesus might not have suffered this fate if he had been more accommodating to people. This statement rang very true for me, as I have become aware of many past lives in which I was too accommodating to others, allowing people to drain me dry, until I either sank under the burden, or kicked off the traces, sometimes suffering backlash from those who had become dependent on me. I am still engaged in clearing up this behavior pattern, stemming from a false conclusion or judgment that I made two thousand years ago!

Around the year 2004 I had another experience with Jesus, this time as part of a so-called dream. I remember attending a meeting or perhaps workshop given by Jesus. He was sitting on a bench, and several of us were standing around him. A female friend of mine who lives in another state, whom I had not seen for over a year, was there as well. We smiled and nodded at each other. Jesus' appearance was somewhat like the representation of him done by Sedona artist Hallie Deering entitled “Blessings from Sananda,”, except that he was wearing a shirt under the vest in which Hallie clothed him. His clothing was white or cream in color, and he was wearing a long chain around his neck with a pendant. The pendant looked vaguely like a whistle, and apparently was something like that in function, as Jesus was discussing it as he held it in his hand. He made a comment to the effect that one of the main things he wanted to get across in his life on Earth was that we can rise to a higher frequency, from which to experience things at a higher level. Apparently the whistle pendant was a device for setting a tone, a sort of other-level tuning fork. I seem to have forgotten to purchase one from him before I left the workshop....though, in all seriousness, I imagine it is available to all. Perhaps you should ask him about it.

Greetings. I am happy to feel this connection through the veils of time and space with the channel, and, through him, with all of you. I am currently relaxing against the wall of a shallow cave in the area that you call Galilee. The day is not especially warm, but it is sunny, and my friends, whom you call disciples, are sitting about twenty feet away from me on the ground. Barnabas is playing the flute. Peter is looking at me, sensing that I am in an altered state of awareness, a light trance. He knows that I am aware of him also. He and I communicate consciously on telepathic levels, often confounding the others with our knowledge of each other's thoughts.
Long ago in my teen years I learned from mystics how to adjust my frequencies and access various levels of consciousness. This information, this type of awareness, is consciously a part of my life, and has been instrumental in making some of the events that I have desired actually take place. The “serendipitous” process of collecting these friends/followers is one of these events. As a group, we exercise a much more powerful consciousness envelope than any one of us would. It was not my desire to walk through the world as a lone wolf. I wanted to help foster a sense of community, and a sharing of our deeper souls' interests and perspective.
As we wander through the land, we are primarily involved in becoming a living unit, a group of one, that traverses beyond the boundaries of time and space as well as within them. I and others in the group are, in the sense of the timeless Now, involved in projects in your time, as well as in your future. The channel informs me that you are going to be making this communication known near the beginning of your year 2009. Accordingly, I will tailor some of my comments to be topical for you. I am well aware of the use of my name in many contexts, with a highly charged energy around it. I welcome the opportunity to address this phenomenon as well.
Early in my life, I moved into a mystical perspective, and looked from outside of time and space at my life as a pattern, as a work of art, which extends and connects through the dimensions of earthly existence in many ways. In observing this pattern, I then became focused on pouring as much light energy into my soul as possible, so as to allow my life to be a conduit for higher dimensions. This is expressed in the language of the scriptures as “doing the Father's will.” It is a very practical procedure, akin to a soldier following orders rather than distrusting what the Commander has planned. Minus the negative dross of the soldier/commander analogy, it means that there is a plan, a pattern, and a higher perspective involved in All That Is. Each aspect of reality, each individuated consciousness, does its part, and by doing that part, allows the energy of the All to flow through it. The individual purpose of the separately-viewed aspect is never blunted or sacrificed, but rather enhanced. All That Is has learned not to squelch its aspects, but rather to enhance them. You there in your time, in the early part of what you call the twenty first century, are experiencing an upgrade in connectivity. New currents of light are beginning to flow through you, and your mind patterns are experiencing a need to shift to catch up. It is this shift within your spiritual core, within your seed consciousness, which manifests the changes you are experiencing, from the weather to politics and economics, to your individual agonies of faith and identity.
All things are connected. Peter just turned his head and smiled, and Barnabas, glancing up while playing, began a new, faster tune on his flute.
I am sure that many of you may be curious about me and my personal life, perhaps wishing to hear details, or grasp things about me or my teaching which were not given in the scriptures which you now have. I do wish to talk a bit, but what I have to say may not satisfy you, depending on your expectations. It is best that you not have too many personal details about me. I am glad that it has worked out that way. Particularity is fascinating to you, I know. Perhaps you would like to know about my appearance or my personal habits. I am going to leave those things a mystery, for a good reason. The entity whom you call Ramtha has said that you will learn to appreciate the abstract as much as you now appreciate the particular. Indeed. In your world, you see particularity everywhere, yet much of this is an illusion that you generate. The attachment to particularity is especially illusory and projected from your unprocessed baggage of soul. It actually does not matter to your life whether I was/am tall or short, dark or light skinned, what I liked to eat, whether I had a beard, or how I amused myself. The religious imagery set up around me has been a function of human consciousness and history. I and others who work with light to help direct planetary evolution have worked through this mass of complicated thought forms, but the new phase which you are entering is going to be one in which much of this tradition will be seen as an obstacle rather than something helpful for spiritual growth. It is ironic that religious traditions argue about what it was that I meant or what I wanted people to do, while ignoring the fact, clearly presented, that I made light of strict observance of religious tradition.
Let us speak of miracles. I was accused of doing miracles by the power of Beelzebub. The same fear is hurled at those who use the light for healing in your age. My words, that you will be able to do greater than what I have done, are ignored or rationalized to fit into limiting belief structures. Basically, the acts which I performed which are called miracles, were acts of passion and electric connection with those who chose to receive them. They always required faith on the part of the ones healed, and a willingness to accept that anything is possible with spirit. Lazarus was willing to have me change his fate and bring him back from the dead. I wanted him around a while longer, so I called him back. You have records of the same thing being done by other teachers and avatars. It is not uncommon, but most of the planet keeps its head in the sand of current beliefs and fascinations, hence the signs of the greater reality are ignored, or viewed only with fear.
Nothing that comes from Heaven is intended to cause fear, but often the fear that is within you and has been given to you becomes operative when we approach – as those who put it there intended it to do – and you become afraid. You are programmed with tremendous self-doubt and self-condemnation, hence we have to labor to make you understand that it is only love that we bring to you. Even love itself is feared, again by the distorted mindset that says that you do not deserve it. I believe my words “this is my commandment, love each other as I have loved you,” and “love your enemies” did survive in your scriptures. If those who set themselves up as preachers of my word spent less time titillating your fears with talk of Armageddon and lakes of fire, and more time talking about the endless font of love that is your source, the world would do better, and you would be more at ease as you move into a new age.
And allow me to express my irritation and disappointment with those who use my name as a tool of separation and hatred. Look at the passage in scripture where my disciples tried to get me to prohibit some people who were strangers to us from preaching in my name. I basically, in your terms, told my friends to “chill out.” Remember that conflict, opposition, and war start in your own hearts. Love your enemies. Did you hear me? I said LOVE YOUR ENEMIES! That means actually loving them, as if they were newborn babies, or friends who had just come to give you a large sum of money. Realize that, no matter how perverse or “crazy” they seem to you, they are no different than you.
In your modern age, you have nations threatening other nations militarily, and you have hidden motives, with some individuals manipulating the opinions of millions through covert actions. Remember to love the actual person who is in front of you. I am not preaching self sacrifice, for if you follow your inner guidance, you will not be led to this. I realize that you all have your individual patterns to release and work through, but ultimately it all comes down to love. Love is the building block, and also the dissolving force. It creates, and it releases. You may sneer at this with your negative minds, and call it “touchy-feely,” but in the next moment it is love that you are seeking for yourself. Kings throw down their crowns and billionaires give up their money if that is what they feel they must do for love.
In your times, you are being shown what love actually is, and you are being shown what it is that you have attached yourself to in place of love. We have been suggesting to you that you let go of your attachments for ages, and now we are beginning to gently pull your toys away from you, only so that you can grow up a bit. How big a tantrum are you going to throw? Will it last for a few minutes, a few weeks, or several lifetimes? Some of you live similar lives over and over, obsessed with some goal that you feel is necessary. I am not speaking against manifesting your desires, but you are now in a time when the collective consciousness is beginning to wake up to new goals and accept a new set of preferences. To move against that is to stall yourself in a backwater of the Great River of life. I suggest that you will have all that you want and more when you allow yourself to ride with the stream.

Remember to be in the now. Again, I am saying all this to you from a particular time and place, yet what I say is not limited to this time and place in which my body exists. I have not reached the denouement of my physical life at this point, and I am not going to speak of that just now, because Peter and the others read my thoughts too clearly, and some of them might become upset with how things are going to play out, even though everything that (from your temporal perspective) happened to me was perfect and beautiful. I speak of the inner spiritual process, ignoring the way that external events have been interpreted, which is largely irrelevant.
When you give yourselves over to spirit, spirit protects you. This is true even before you make any conscious intent to do so, but as you go through deeper realizations about what this means, as you open more widely to All That Is, you begin to move along more smoothly, with fewer irritations. Do not judge yourself about apparent imperfections in your spiritual practice, or in the outer events of your life. All this, this life of spirit, will be added unto you – the Father knows what you need.
Before I close, I want to talk a bit about the practice of meditation. The goal of meditation is to calm oneself from the chatter of the mind, drawn as it is into daily concerns of the world. No matter how important and unavoidable these tasks seem, there is a spiritual purpose running through your life. When you meditate in some form, you step back from the noise of your mind and remember that you are a being beyond these concerns, whose real purpose is only to learn the next lesson that you need, and move closer to a state of peace and acceptance. Center yourself, imagine that you are your spinal cord, and see it as connected to the infinite sky. Know that all things are working together for good, and that you are loved and assisted far more than you know. When you sit in peace, you will become more aware of this. You will step outside of the measured moments of time, and you will know that physical location is no longer a limitation. There are no limitations, save that you choose them.
As part of their education with me, I took the disciples to Egypt on one occasion, and we meditated in the underground chambers. Mystical awareness and the presence of spiritual beings lifted their consciousness, and since that time we have acted more as a unit with one purpose. Some of them have manifested extraordinary powers, such as instantaneous movement and, yes, walking on water. Peter finally got that one down, though he did a fair amount of swimming first. They have also learned that these powers are not the goal. The goal is love. It is love that binds us together, and love that moves us forward. And yes, it is love of you, and of all beings, that both moves and sustains us here in our retreat in Galilee. As the Lakota say: aho, metakueyasin – we are all related.

Scott Amun
P.O. Box 336
Scottsdale, AZ 85252

The Spiral One


July 19, 1996

Scott Amun channels in a spiral fashion, from many frequencies.

In the center of this world there is a spiral. This spiral is an interdimensional event/place/process/legend/dance/song. It is in the center of everything. It is simultaneously microcosmic and macrocosmic. We are going to attempt to use linear words to describe something extremely non-linear. Thus we suggest that you consider this entire article to be a meditation. Take deep breaths often as you read, and be aware of feelings or tendencies to be distracted. Allow light to flow through your breath. Do you see that we can easily be in the very place and moment of your reading of this article, because every place and moment connects with its like? When you see this, you will have a new understanding of the energy which has been called God.
We are often embarrassed by you when we appear in ships, or whatever form you wish to see, and are considered your saviors. You are the reality masters, and we must run to keep up with your permutations! It is a wave in the wind. Do not strain your linear mind. You even attempt to analyze poetry. What a shame, when it is through poetry that you lift the frozen aspects of your souls up to the light and thaw them. The tiger sees itself first. When did we say that? In time, the blown glass sings. Are you breathing? Let us be in your breath. Do not consider yourself a container. This is an energy form that limits. You are not limited, save as you choose to be.
Let yourself come back down to your chair and your body. It is not that you must lose the ability to reason. It is just that we need to overhaul your motor, so you must sit on the curb and wait for a moment. It is in love that this pattern can be understood. Only in love. Be in love. Be deeply in love. Do not concern yourself for the moment with what or whom you love, as that is where you get stuck. Just feel the love. And breathe. It is this force that makes the spiral spin. Yet it never moves. And there is no force. This is the love that makes us live, but we live because we love it. Open your heart chakra, and let the breath move through you in directions that you do not imagine. It can go in any direction, for it is already there. Let everything you know and hold on to and feel be released into everything else, and the two can dance. Sing into every one of your cells. Don't ask how! You already did it! You can walk out of the back of your head into a garden, and among the flowers there is a soft cloud. This cloud is the congealed form of your thoughts. Beautiful it is, but it blocks the sun when it becomes thick. Let the breath of your wind dispel it for a time. And breathe. Wait in the corner of the world, for it is turning. But you can follow the tiny speck of gold as it shrinks, and through it another doorway opens. We are waiting....look up and see all the other ones of you who read this in their compartments of place/time. You are all one in this. This was the idea of communion. He knew that you were one, and loved you for it. And in his laughing/crying he thrust a chalice into the center of your considerations, and then you could not escape your oneness. Oh, for a little time...a few centuries or millennia. But it returns. Oh breathe, my dear ones, for I have always loved you. I am you of course. Every thought is like a groove in a funnel, speeding the flow back to the center. See them spin. I love you! Every act you have taken has been my ecstasy... ah, I burst with light, for you take your gaze upon me. I am your light, and I love you always. But there is no always, but there is. It is all love. In this moment, we consider the ecstasy, and it is also in all moments. Of course it is, for there is no "place else" for it to be. Do you see that you have always been in ecstasy? Oh blinding light! I feel you in my chest and heart, as you feel me. As I am you and you are me, for otherwise, what is the unity that creates these words? Around the moon at full solar eclipse do you see the burning ecstasy of the sun's corona? And where is the love? Breathe, my darlings! It is I/you. Love me like this, and the other questions are forgotten. Are you ready to allow the forgetting? You have forgotten so many things...why not let this cramped little space be the object of great amnesia?
In this frequency, we move closer to your habitual place of thought, but never again fully. It is gone. Where did it go? It disappeared behind your choice. Breathe deeply and enjoy. The spiral has been here, but it has always been here. It has moved on, but there is nowhere to go. Be here now. Where else is there? Do you see that your state of consciousness is one of a string of pearls, of facets of the streams of the spiral? You move along these pearls, both the pearls and the movement.
Bring yourself into your center, be aware of your body. Stretch a little. And breathe. Far beyond the vibratory system which you consider your world or universe, this event is known, for it was coded into the possibility matrix before the decision was made to even have a world like this. Thus there is an automatic connection to the absolute from every moment. It is as though there is indeed an operator's manual for life. And you are the manual. For the sparks of your light are seeding new worlds even now. Random eruptions from something absolutely patterned. It is in this spiral that we bring you back, and trust that you will not recover! Do you see that you do not listen to words that you think you understand? We must keep you from "understanding" so that you might let the light dawn. When it does, you will feel it beneath your heart, and the tears may flow, but it is the memory of the light that brings the joy. We are not so foolish as you think. For all these centuries you have ached for a God, but we have not given you one. There is nothing that need be given. Breathe. When the wind blows from this place, even the angels smile and feel foolish. For it turns again. Oh, the lightning! We pause, and in the delicious motionless moment we know the next surge of the dance begins. As we said, it is a spiral. Breathe and relax, and know that you have become more of your true self. We love you.

Copyright 1996 Scott Amun

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Message from Vishnu

Greetings and blessings to all who read and hear these words. I am he who has been known for many thousands of years on your plane as Vishnu. I have appeared in many forms, and indeed, I am in a certain sense interchangeable with the Ones known as Siva and Brahma. Am I “only” this? No, indeed. I function throughout the physical world and many others in many forms, and I am known by many names. It is not the time for me to reveal all the names, for I do not wish to trigger too many memories all at once.

As time moves in the form of a loop, there are windows through which I peek at you, some of them in your past and some in your future. The present? I am always observing you. I am in fact very vigilant, as it is my job to send the energies which both sustain your present and open your future. In the Indian religion, I am known as “the preserver,” and that I am. I could also be called “the awakener,” as I help to bring in the energies of the New Dawn.

At levels beyond your fixed-world dream, passage between identities is more malleable and transparent. This is why your traditions speak of multiple identities of your gods. Your Hebrew Bible refers to the Elohim, who are plural. The Christian traditions speak of a trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The native american traditions refer to the sacred spirits, or Wanagi Wakan. In the Hindu tradition, there is Brahma, Siva and Vishnu. Am I all of them? Yes, and yet I speak now from the real consciousness focus of He who sends to you that which you need.

It should be noted that I send that which is appropriate to you at a given time. Did I allow you to have the atom bomb in the 19th century? No. You were not ready for it. Its appearance in the 20th century has been a stimulus for you to move to your next level, in which you no longer fear one another and attempt to stifle each other's uniqueness.

If you feel that there could be no good result from the emergence of such a weapon, think of the times that something stressful in your life has roused you to meet its challenge and you have come out the better for it. Rest assured I am watching, as I said. There is much disturbance in your world at this time. I am well aware of this. Much of this disturbance comes from the loosening of your inner mind structures. You are changing the template with which your create your world.

Remember, your “world” is but a template. You all “grabbed a copy” of the worksheet for this world as you entered. Many of you received a template which had been tampered with. Why did I not prevent this? Because there is something important about imperfection. You are learning to be masters of this. In order to move to more advanced levels of soul operation, you must learn to deal with challenges, as I said earlier. Challenges are often quite perplexing when first encountered. Is not a challenge exciting to you in many respects? You spend a lot of time creating and playing your various games, from Rubix to video games to chess, to baseball and soccer, to skiing and gambling, you have thousands of types of games. These games are much more important for you than you realize. You are resetting your minds through your play, because you apply yourselves with enthusiasm and joy to your games, and you do not weigh them down with the opprobrium of “work.” Animals play a great deal of the time, and so do you.

At our level of focus, we play as well. In one sense it is correct to say that you also will one day play in this way. In another sense, you are doing it already, because you are us. We/You/The One play in our many forms. The boundaries which you keep between what you call fantasies and reality are beginning to be much more permeable. In response, our boundaries between each other can also be dispensed with, sometimes even while you are watching. I am Brahma, Siva and Vishnu. I am Jesus, Krishna and Buddha. I am Jupiter, Zeus and Ra. I am the Goddess, Gaia, Lakshmi and Aphrodite. Who else? Am I dissolving all identity boundaries before your eyes? In fact, it is you who are doing this.

Let us go a step further. (Know that there is never anything to really fear.) How about all your historical figures? Am I all of those? You have your clearly defined “good” and “bad” figures. You fear that dissolving this distinction will release a horde of negativity. But there is another place from which to view this. Will you go there with me? You are there already, or you would not read this. I will leave it to you to name the people you feel are evil throughout history, from ancient times, through times that you remember because of your past lives, and on into the present, to your current preferences, to your political campaigns, with the constant suggestions given about what is good and bad, what should be chosen and what should be rejected. Know that your very choices are also part of the infinite pattern of the deeper sky. You are beyond who you think you are, and that aspect of you who is “beyond” considers you with love.

I spoke before about the tampering with the template, with the pattern and “house rules” that you received when you entered. One of the major features of this interference involves cutting you off from me and others who can help you. Instead, you are directed to those who wish to keep you ignorant, unaware of your own abilities, and hidebound by rules which leave you little freedom. We who can help you are even made to look like dangerous and evil beings. Note that Jesus was accused of doing miracles by the power of Beelzebub.

In the dawning of this world, I sent a light into your cellular structure which would always be there, though it might come to be covered over with ugly masks and danger warnings. I wish to give you a meditation now which will help in recovering this energy.

Please sit in a comfortable position. It might be useful to you to have someone read this to you. Take two or three, long slow deep breaths. Close your eyes and imagine that you are sitting on top of a very high mountain. Ignore any distracting thoughts that come up as we journey together – don't resist the thoughts, just keep following with me. I will provide for your safety at all times. On this high mountain top, you can only see clouds down below, and the peaks of a few lower mountains. Imagine the cool, fresh mountain air in your lungs.

Far in front of you, you begin to see the wings of a bird as it approaches you. As it comes closer, you can see that it is a very large eagle. It lands on a rock about twenty feet in front of you. The eagle does not speak, but examines you closely, turning its head a little from side to side. You notice now that the eagle is holding a golden ring in its beak. The eagle flies upward, above you, and drops the ring. It falls into your open left palm.

Now you come with me again, and you are sitting on a rock at the bottom of the ocean. Yes, you can breathe here. There is a golden glow all around you. From up higher in the water, an unusual creature comes down. It looks like a golden rug with eyes. It stops and shimmers in front of you. Below the golden “rug” the sea floor opens, and you see the towers and roofs of a city. You know this place. You have been here. The golden rug descends into the city, drifting easily between the buildings, seeming to dissolve slowly into the water.

Come with me again. We are in a courtroom. You are standing before the bench, behind which, up high above you, sit five judges. The bench is brown, the judges are robed in black. You hold up your left hand, and the eagle's ring is on one finger. The judges stand and bow to you.

We sit together alone now, by the banks of a rippling stream. On the far side of the stream stands a golden buck. On one of his antlers, the golden ring gleams. He turns and disappears into the forest.

Breathe deeply now, and allow the deeper meaning of the symbols you have experienced to move through you. No matter what your mind tells you, or what thoughts you experience coming to you, you are free.

I am Vishnu, I provide to you all that you need, and I see to it that you are able to be free. Will you choose it? Will you climb out of your crib and begin to walk? You will be amazed at all that awaits you. And there is a place in your future when you will laugh at the process you are going through now, not with derision, but with the laugh of joy and love that a parent makes when he or she sees their child take its first steps.

In some way of your own choosing, it is good to dance. Your unique dance can take any form. It may not be done with your feet. Its movement may not be visible to others, but in some way, as you create or discover your dance, you remember your joy. I remember when you had it, and I see that it is still there. Enjoy it. Siva dances, why not you?

Copyright 2008 Scott Amun
